Requirements gathering vs. Backlog grooming - Which process is better for Agile development?

October 19, 2021


Agile development has gained popularity over time because of its flexibility and ability to accommodate changes in the development process. When it comes to Agile development, requirements gathering and backlog grooming are two critical processes that help to ensure the success of a project. While both processes serve different purposes, they overlap a lot, and it can be challenging to determine which process is better for Agile development.

Requirements Gathering

Requirements gathering is a process where a development team collects information related to the product that they want to build. The process involves communicating with stakeholders to understand their needs and objectives, creating user stories, and setting product features to meet the stakeholders' requirements.

Requirements gathering is a vital process in Agile development because it serves as a framework that guides the development team throughout the project. The development team uses the information collected during the requirements gathering process to create project goals, set timelines, and allocate resources.

Backlog Grooming

Backlog grooming is a process where a development team reviews the product backlog with a product owner before the next sprint begins. The objective of backlog grooming is to identify user stories that need refinement to make them more precise, clear, and understandable. It is also an opportunity for the development team to prioritize which stories to tackle first based on the objectives of the next sprint.

Backlog grooming is a continuous process and helps to maintain the product backlog's cleanliness and correctness throughout the development process.

Which Process is Better for Agile Development?

It's difficult to determine which process is better for Agile development between requirements gathering and backlog grooming. Both processes are essential and play critical roles in the Agile development process.

Requirements gathering is crucial for outlining the product features and setting goals and timelines for the project. Backlog grooming, on the other hand, helps to maintain the product backlog throughout the development process and ensure that the product owner, stakeholders, and development team are on the same page.

In summary, requirements gathering and backlog grooming should not be compared, and they should be treated as complementary processes that ensure the project's success.


Choosing between requirements gathering and backlog grooming is not an easy decision for any Agile development team. These two processes serve different purposes, and they overlap a lot. Therefore they should be treated as complementary processes that help ensure the project's success. The most critical thing is to strike a balance between the two processes to maintain the product backlog's correctness and cleanliness while meeting the stakeholders' requirements.


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